Unsure of your Business Path?

Our 2 Hour Coaching Intensive Session are ideal for New or current clients who need a one off meeting to strategize or brainstorm for a current project for their business or need direction for the next phase of their life. These sessions come without the commitment of our 6 month or 12 month Coaching Programs

For Business owners who want Private 1 on 1 time with Halimah.

(Business Product idea, sales, content creation etc.) You will leave this call with 3 Strategies to implement immediately and improve your business in the area(s) discussed.

What’s Included in my

Business Intensive?

Our 2 Hour Coaching Intensive Session are ideal for New or current clients who need a one off meeting to strategize or brainstorm for a current project for their business or organization. These sessions come without the commitment of our 6 month or 12 month Coaching Programs.

During this Virtual call I will ask you questions about your business goals and provide the next steps to help you moving forward.

Here is my 5 Step Process

1- Schedule Consultation

2- Complete Intake Questionnaire

3- Virtual Call

4- Recommended Next Steps

5- Follow-Up Call(s) as needed

Limited Availability


Limited Availability 〰️

Business Intensive includes:

  • Develop/Fine Tune Biz Strategy

  • 30 Day Action Plan

  • Resources for next Steps